Knishes Make A Hit at Book Expo!
Just back from Book Expo book signing! Maybe the knish is going to be the new hot food! What fun! Sorry we didn't get a photo of the line...
Bookmarks, Knishes and My Book Expo Signing
Last year, just before The Knish War on Rivington Street went to press, I re-learned the lesson about being careful of what you wish for....
Thank you, Guides Association of New York City! The Knish War on Rivington Street wins the 2018 Appl
At their 4th annual award ceremony, hosted by Brian Stokes Mitchell, we were delighted to win the GANYC Apple Award for Outstanding...
Tune In to The Big Schmear Podcast
Beth Schenker, the host of does a podcast all about Jewish food posting two new episodes on the 2nd and 4th Monday of...
Knishes Reach Michigan!
A few month ago, on the day I presented The Knish War on Rivington Street at the New York Historical Society, I was lucky to meet Alice...
When Knishes Were 5 Cents or When a Penny was Worth Something!
In 1916 when the knish war heated up, when Benny and Solly’s fathers were cutting the knish prices one cent at a time, the penny was...
What's a knish? Part II
I thought I had exhausted all the stories about the historic knish war until yesterday, when I turned up yet another publication, the...
What’s the Plural of Knish?
Back in the day, when the New York Times wrote about the Knish War down on Rivington Street (Jan. 1916) the writer (not identified by...
So, What Exactly is a Knish?
Every once in a while I run into someone who has yet to taste a knish...sad, but true. "What is a knish?" they ask. Are there really...